What the [BLEEP] Are We Doing?

What the [BLEEP] Are We Doing?.... that is for me the big question. The way and the speed at which we are destroying our only home, Mother Earth, is frightening... How much longer can this go on for? What can we do to stop this mindless destruction and instead live sustainably? Think about THAT for while!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Life on a Crowded Planet

Is the life we are living now sustainable?

Will technology, free enterprise, governments, or something, make everything all right, no matter how much we waste?

Are we doomed and nothing can save us?

Or is it somewhere in the middle? If it is, shouldn't we have a plan to ensure that human life will be sustainable?

Life on a Crowded Planet attempts to create that plan--to explain, as simply as possible, what our problems are and why we have them; discuss population and environmental controversies and misconceptions; and propose specific effective solutions and plans of action, all of which could be funded by even modest decreases in military expenditures.


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